Number Label Label V2.x Text Text2 Text3 Full description 1 DESPC READNP 18 18 19 Paragraph count, number of paragraphs 2 DESSC READNS 79 79 78 Sentence count, number of sentences 3 DESWC READNW 2042 2042 2004 Word count, number of words 4 DESPL READAPL 4.389 4.389 4.105 Paragraph length, number of sentences in a paragraph, mean 5 DESPLd n/a 2.380 2.380 1.761 Paragraph length, number of sentences in a pragraph, standard deviation 6 DESSL READASL 25.848 25.848 25.692 Sentence length, number of words, mean 7 DESSLd n/a 21.784 21.784 16.752 Sentence length, number of words, standard deviation 8 DESWLsy READASW 2 2 1.847 Word length, number of syllables, mean 9 DESWLsyd n/a 1.235 1.235 1.086 Word length, number of syllables, standard deviation 10 DESWLlt n/a 5.941 5.941 5.568 Word length, number of letters, mean 11 DESWLltd n/a 3.324 3.324 3.054 Word length, number of letters, standard deviation 12 PCNARz n/a -1.230 -1.230 -1.132 Text Easability PC Narrativity, z score 13 PCNARp n/a 10.930 10.930 12.920 Text Easability PC Narrativity, percentile 14 PCSYNz n/a -0.429 -0.428 -0.358 Text Easability PC Syntactic simplicity, z score 15 PCSYNp n/a 33.720 33.720 36.320 Text Easability PC Syntactic simplicity, percentile 16 PCCNCz n/a -0.169 -0.169 -0.793 Text Easability PC Word concreteness, z score 17 PCCNCp n/a 43.25 43.640 21.480 Text Easability PC Word concreteness, percentile 18 PCREFz n/a 0.288 0.282 -0.861 Text Easability PC Referential cohesion, z score 19 PCREFp n/a 61.030 61.030 19.490 Text Easability PC Referential cohesion, percentile 20 PCDCz n/a 0.424 0.428 0.186 Text Easability PC Deep cohesion, z score 21 PCDCp n/a 66.280 66.280 57.140 Text Easability PC Deep cohesion, percentile 22 PCVERBz n/a -1.584 -1.591 -1.381 Text Easability PC Verb cohesion, z score 23 PCVERBp n/a 5.710 5.590 8.380 Text Easability PC Verb cohesion, percentile 24 PCCONNz n/a -1.921 -1.924 -0.846 Text Easability PC Connectivity, z score 25 PCCONNp n/a 2.740 2.740 20.050 Text Easability PC Connectivity, percentile 26 PCTEMPz n/a 0.337 0.334 0.678 Text Easability PC Temporality, z score 27 PCTEMPp n/a 62.930 62.930 74.860 Text Easability PC Temporality, percentile 28 CRFNO1 CRFBN1um 0.679 0.679 0.545 Noun overlap, adjacent sentences, binary, mean 29 CRFAO1 CRFBA1um 0.718 0.718 0.597 Argument overlap, adjacent sentences, binary, mean 30 CRFSO1 CRFBS1um 0.833 0.833 0.636 Stem overlap, adjacent sentences, binary, mean 31 CRFNOa CRFBNaum 0.582 0.582 0.452 Noun overlap, all sentences, binary, mean 32 CRFAOa CRFBAaum 0.627 0.627 0.492 Argument overlap, all sentences, binary, mean 33 CRFSOa CRFBSaum 0.747 0.747 0.548 Stem overlap, all sentences, binary, mean 34 CRFCWO1 CRFPC1um 0.120 0.120 0.085 Content word overlap, adjacent sentences, proportional, mean 35 CRFCWO1d n/a 0.094 0.094 0.087 Content word overlap, adjacent sentences, proportional, standard deviation 36 CRFCWOa CRFPCaum 0.104 0.104 0.061 Content word overlap, all sentences, proportional, mean 37 CRFCWOad n/a 0.096 0.096 0.080 Content word overlap, all sentences, proportional, standard deviation 38 LSASS1 LSAassa 0.410 0.410 0.267 LSA overlap, adjacent sentences, mean 39 LSASS1d LSAassd 0.176 0.176 0.163 LSA overlap, adjacent sentences, standard deviation 40 LSASSp LSApssa 0.361 0.361 0.273 LSA overlap, all sentences in paragraph, mean 41 LSASSpd LSApssd 0.173 0.173 0.156 LSA overlap, all sentences in paragraph, standard deviation 42 LSAPP1 LSAppa 0.691 0.691 0.408 LSA overlap, adjacent paragraphs, mean 43 LSAPP1d LSAppd 0.091 0.091 0.230 LSA overlap, adjacent paragraphs, standard deviation 44 LSAGN LSAGN 0.427 0.427 0.355 LSA given/new, sentences, mean 45 LSAGNd n/a 0.098 0.098 0.117 LSA given/new, sentences, standard deviation 46 LDTTRc TYPTOKc 0.499 0.499 0.538 Lexical diversity, type-token ratio, content word lemmas 47 LDTTRa n/a 0.344 0.344 0.363 Lexical diversity, type-token ratio, all words 48 LDMTLD LEXDIVTD 94.403 94.403 112.956 Lexical diversity, MTLD, all words 49 LDVOCD LEXDIVVD 105.599 107.102 160.135 Lexical diversity, VOCD, all words 50 CNCAll CONi 86.190 86.190 70.858 All connectives incidence 51 CNCCaus CONCAUSi 27.424 27.424 24.950 Causal connectives incidence 52 CNCLogic CONLOGi 36.239 36.239 30.439 Logical connectives incidence 53 CNCADC CONADVCONi 13.712 13.712 7.485 Adversative and contrastive connectives incidence 54 CNCTemp CONTEMPi 14.202 14.202 11.976 Temporal connectives incidence 55 CNCTempx CONTEMPEXi 17.630 17.630 19.960 Expanded temporal connectives incidence 56 CNCAdd CONADDi 49.461 49.461 37.425 Additive connectives incidence 57 CNCPos n/a 0 0 0 Positive connectives incidence 58 CNCNeg n/a 0 0 0 Negative connectives incidence 59 SMCAUSv CAUSV 12.243 12.243 13.972 Causal verb incidence 60 SMCAUSvp CAUSVP 17.140 17.140 22.954 Causal verbs and causal particles incidence 61 SMINTEp INTEi 11.263 11.263 14.471 Intentional verbs incidence 62 SMCAUSr CAUSC 0.385 0.385 0.621 Ratio of casual particles to causal verbs 63 SMINTEr INTEC 1.958 1.958 1.233 Ratio of intentional particles to intentional verbs 64 SMCAUSlsa CAUSLSA 0.063 0.063 0.065 LSA verb overlap 65 SMCAUSwn CAUSWN 0.476 0.476 0.486 WordNet verb overlap 66 SMTEMP TEMPta 0.897 0.897 0.942 Temporal cohesion, tense and aspect repetition, mean 67 SYNLE SYNLE 6.722 6.722 4.513 Left embeddedness, words before main verb, mean 68 SYNNP SYNNP 1.078 1.078 0.995 Number of modifiers per noun phrase, mean 69 SYNMEDpos MEDwtm 0.656 0.656 0.695 Minimal Edit Distance, part of speech 70 SYNMEDwrd MEDawm 0.891 0.891 0.916 Minimal Edit Distance, all words 71 SYNMEDlem MEDalm 0.875 0.875 0.902 Minimal Edit Distance, lemmas 72 SYNSTRUTa STRUTa 0.062 0.062 0.067 Sentence syntax similarity, adjacent sentences, mean 73 SYNSTRUTt STRUTt 0.064 0.064 0.058 Sentence syntax similarity, all combinations, across paragraphs, mean 74 DRNP n/a 421.156 421.156 450.100 Noun phrase density, incidence 75 DRVP n/a 162.586 162.586 168.663 Verb phrase density, incidence 76 DRAP n/a 23.996 23.996 28.942 Adverbial phrase density, incidence 77 DRPP n/a 119.491 119.491 107.784 Preposition phrase density, incidence 78 DRPVAL AGLSPSVi 4.897 4.897 9.980 Agentless passive voice density, incidence 79 DRNEG DENNEGi 2.938 2.938 3.493 Negation density, incidence 80 DRGERUND GERUNDi 27.914 27.914 19.960 Gerund density, incidence 81 DRINF INFi 19.589 19.589 18.962 Infinitive density, incidence 82 WRDNOUN NOUNi 347.209 347.209 368.263 Noun incidence 83 WRDVERB VERBi 118.512 118.512 97.305 Verb incidence 84 WRDADJ ADJi 132.713 132.713 94.311 Adjective incidence 85 WRDADV ADVi 35.749 35.749 40.918 Adverb incidence 86 WRDPRO DENPRPi 15.181 15.181 23.453 Pronoun incidence 87 WRDPRP1s n/a 0.490 0.490 0 First person singular pronoun incidence 88 WRDPRP1p n/a 0 0 10.479 First person plural pronoun incidence 89 WRDPRP2 PRO2i 0 0 0 Second person pronoun incidence 90 WRDPRP3s n/a 0.490 0.490 0 Third person singular pronoun incidence 91 WRDPRP3p n/a 9.794 9.794 7.485 Third person plural pronoun incidence 92 WRDFRQc FRCLacwm 1.947 1.947 1.925 CELEX word frequency for content words, mean 93 WRDFRQa FRCLaewm 2.685 2.685 2.717 CELEX Log frequency for all words, mean 94 WRDFRQmc FRCLmcsm 1.094 1.094 1.434 CELEX Log minimum frequency for content words, mean 95 WRDAOAc WRDAacwm 403.706 403.706 428.204 Age of acquisition for content words, mean 96 WRDFAMc WRDFacwm 565.065 565.065 559.364 Familiarity for content words, mean 97 WRDCNCc WRDCacwm 365.781 365.781 366.060 Concreteness for content words, mean 98 WRDIMGc WRDIacwm 401.778 401.778 387.691 Imagability for content words, mean 99 WRDMEAc WRDMacwm 442.029 442.029 432.917 Meaningfulness, Colorado norms, content words, mean 100 WRDPOLc POLm 3.198 3.198 2.932 Polysemy for content words, mean 101 WRDHYPn HYNOUNaw 6.098 6.098 5.043 Hypernymy for nouns, mean 102 WRDHYPv HYVERBaw 1.892 1.892 1.753 Hypernymy for verbs, mean 103 WRDHYPnv HYPm 2.183 2.183 1.795 Hypernymy for nouns and verbs, mean 104 RDFRE READFRE 11.399 11.399 24.501 Flesch Reading Ease 105 RDFKGL READFKGL 18.091 18.091 16.224 Flesch-Kincaid Grade level 106 RDL2 L2 8.264 8.264 6.252 Coh-Metrix L2 Readability